Friday, April 30, 2010

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gas Station Attendants Cell Phone Causes Massive Explosion
And he payed a lot of money for that ay ay ay phone!
Get humor videos at NothingToxic

Monday, April 5, 2010

Earth Hour 2010
Beginning in Sydney, Australia three years ago, Earth Hour has grown into a global observance. States, large organizations and individual people observed Earth Hour 2010 on Saturday March 27th, as homes, office towers and landmarks turned off their lights for an hour starting at 8.30 pm local time to raise awareness about climate change and the threat from rising greenhouse gas emissions. Collected here are a series of before-and-after photographs from this year - which (starting with the second one below) will fade between "on" and "off" when clicked. [See also: last year] This effect requires javascript to be enabled. (26 photos total)

Fallen Princesses


Plane crashes on Brooker Hwy

The plane which crash landed on the Brooker highway this morning.  Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE

The plane which crash landed on the Brooker highway this morning. Picture: SAM ROSEWARNE

UPDATE: A Teenage pilot miraculously walked away after crashing his plane on Hobart's Brooker Hwy today.

Patrick Humphries, 18, a trainee pilot with the Australian Airforce was practising aerobatics when the engine stalled forcing him down on one of the state's busiest highways just after 10am.

Slideshow: Hilarious Wedding Photo Contest Winners


Giving The Porch  Some Much Need Ambience

Harley Hits the Road with a Steampunkish Motorcycle

Now We Can Both Eat

Blonds Make Mistakes

There Is No Spoon

Awe inspiring photographs of volcanoes in action

Mother Nature is unpredictable at best of time but it never seems to fail that when she is being her most unpredictable she is also her most incredible. Those of us that venture into these moments of incredible danger only to capture the beauty and majesty of these events constantly amaze me.

Epic Kludge  Photo - High Tech Way To Thwart Mirrorland Takeover

Can a woman rape a man?

Funny Facebook Fails
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Scientists discover world's smallest superconductor

March 29, 2010 Scientists discover world's smallest superconductor


This image shows several nanoscale superconducting molecular wires on a silver substrate. Credit: Image courtesy of Saw‑Wai Hla and Kendal Clark, Ohio University.

Funny Facebook Fails
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When Legends Gather #590

Afghanistan Wartime Architecture Series:

Afghanistan Wartime Architecture March 2010


Afghan female prisoners play volleyball during a friendly match at the female detention center in Kabul, Afghanistan on Tuesday, March 30, 2010. About 145 women prisoners including five female foreigners, do time at Kabul's sole detention center, for various crimes they committed. AP

Toyota Recall Might Be Caused by Cosmic Rays

It may not lessen Toyota's woes to hear that the problems the company has been having with faulty gas pedals could be blamed on cosmic rays from space. Sound unbelievable? The concept is actually a lot more plausible than you might think.

The strongest living land creatures on Earth, measured by their power to weight ratio

oribatida; mite

Male hands typing on laptop: Typing technique 'could trap  paedophiles'

Seat of Temptation Found in the Brain

Whenever you save money instead of splurging at the mall, or opt for the gym over a relaxing evening on the couch, you might want to thank a region of your brain just above the left ear. This brain area could be responsible for the human ability to resist temptation and wait around to reap rewards, a new study finds.

If Only the Streets Had Signs

Tourist guy looking at map: We have to find 7th Avenue. The tour guide said it was on 7th Avenue.
Tourist lady: I know, but it's also in Times Square, so we should go there first.

--7th Ave & 43rd St