Thursday, April 9, 2009

(Telegraph) Obvious Family of teenager killed by train while listening to his iPod urge people to "never wear headphones outside whilst walking, for your own safety." Or you could open your eyes when you cross the rail tracks, it's really your choice

(My Fox DC) Amusing Late for work? Try telling the boss you walked into a spider web on the way out the door and couldn't find the spider, so you had to go inside and shower again. Works every time (with top excuses list)

(New York Daily News) Strange NYC cop fails cocaine test, claims it's because... *spins wheel*.... "I went down on my girlfriend"

(Telegraph) Cool British women are now allowed to orgasm on the television before 11:00 p.m., most still prefer the washing machine

(Google) Followup Italy lags in making buildings earthquake-resistant. Seriously, they have this one tower that's almost falling over already

(Daily Mail) Dumbass 'I was hooked on sunbeds twice a day. Then my skin fell off and I needed chemotherapy'. Darwin waits with bated breath

(SFGate) Cool Helicopter pilot who was filmed receiving a "sex act" from a porn star while flying cannot get his license back. In his defense, it is called the "cockpit" for a reason

(Fox News) Cool "The most powerful people on the Internet don't work for Microsoft, Google or the government. Rather, they're a bunch of antisocial, foul-mouthed, clever nerds"

( Florida Man robs bank so his girfriend "won't have to have sex for money any more." She's doing it wrong

(Daily Mail) Amusing Attention parents: Your child is stupid, not dyslexic

(NBC San Fran)
Obvious This just in: college kids are gonna smoke pot on 4/20. Guess what, it's not just one day they're gonna smoke
(New York Daily News) Scary Iran is sooooo not seeking nuclear weapons material -- you know, except for that fake Chinese company they are using to transfer that kind of stuff

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