Wednesday, May 13, 2009

If it takes police strip searching your wife three years after your wedding for you to find out she's a he, you're definitely doing it wrong

Cuban defector claims he bugged celebrities' hotel rooms with cameras and microphones for Castro to enjoy later with friends

Eating in to save cash costs us billions every year in broken plates, wine stains on carpets and bizarre household accidents

Apparently, if you're the daughter of Gambino crime family boss John "Dapper Don" Gotti, you're allowed to get $650,000 behind on your mortgage before you get foreclosed on

Babies And Children

The worker who put up this sign should have thought a little more about what he was doing. :)

Babies And Children

A car-sharing program intended to save Maryland money has ended up costing $1,300 per hour of driving

Flat screen TV's: Superior technology or CHILD KILLING MACHINES?

109-year-old woman writes to the Queen to complain about the birthday cards she gets from her, receives surprise face-to-face apology from Prince William

Towel can help build your body, get you high

Your unsupervised toddler crawls through a dog door and drowns in the pool.
Do you:
A. Take personal responsibility?
B. Get busy making a replacement kid or
C. Sue the dog door maker for not warning you that babies can crawl through a dog door?

In breaking news, hot chicks think they're ugly and ugly chicks think they're hot

You know the ecomony sucks when even the children forced to work in sweatshops are losing $21 billion a year

Blogger gets his knickers in a twist over "fake" IMAX screens. Then uses the "do you know how many followers I have on Twitter?" threat to try and get a refund

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