Tuesday, July 28, 2009

(The Consumerist) Stupid AT&T begins charging you a fee for having a discount. No, seriously - a discount fee

(Metro) Interesting Dye found in Blue M&Ms may help heal spinal injuries. Beer and chocolate -- is there anything they can't do?

(Des Moines Register) Dumbass Worker fired for posting a video on YouTube that violates employer's rules follows up with an expletive-laden tirade against the employer. Bonus: She hopes the video won't affect her future job prospects

(Yahoo) Obvious Forbes list of what women should never wear in the workplace. (AKA a list of what men will get fired for looking at when women wear these in the workplace.)

(KNBC 4 Los Angeles) Amusing Alabama Beverage Control: "A bare-breasted nymph on a wine bottle? Nosiree, not in our state"

(Sky News) Obvious You knew it was coming: Michael Jackson to be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

(The Sun) Cool New Dutch fad involves picking up Smart cars and chucking them into canals. Here's hoping this trend catches on (pic)

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