Tuesday, November 17, 2009

(Toronto Sun) Obvious Let me get this straight. Illegal activity actually helps fund further illegal activity?

(Metro) Strange Crack team of New Zealand scientists head to the South Pole to prospect for whisky

(Some Guy) Asinine Single Army mom arrested for not deploying to Afghanistan because she could find no one to care for her child. Child sent to CPS. With pic of what a deploying mother saying goodbye to her child might look like

Some Guy) Fail If you're planning to sell weed door to door, be sure the person you're trying to sell to is not a cop

(Reuters) Interesting Australia apologizes for mass child abuse. Nothing yet about Kylie Minogue

(Some Chick) Spiffy A woman with a medical condition that gives her 300 orgasms a day has found a man of her dreams after she wore out a string of boyfriends. w/pic

PRETTY Sarah Carmen is bored with her sex life - because she has 200 orgasms a day!

The rumble of a train on the tracks, the purr of a hairdryer, the rhythmic drone of a photo-copier are all enough to make her orgasm.

Heidi Pratt says husband Spencer gives her 30 orgasms a day

Spencer Pratt Heidi Pratt

THIRTY orgasms a day .... Spencer Pratt, left, and wife Heidi. Source: The Daily Telegraph

TV star and singer-songwriter Heidi Pratt has revealed her husband gives her an orgasm for every hour of the day.

Pointy conical bras on the up

After 60 years in a watery Hawaiian grave, two World War II-era Japanese attack submarines have been discovered near Pearl Harbor, marine archaeologists announced today. (Watch video of the sunken subs.)

continued here

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Get information on training to become a CIA agent or operative. Learn what CIA training consists of..

Ancient penguin DNA raises doubts about accuracy of genetic dating techniques.

To Make Memories, New Neurons Must Erase Older Ones.

How reputation could save the Earth

[0911.2246] Two white dwarfs with oxygen-rich atmospheres.

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Ugliest Tattoos: A Gallery of Regrets.

via Metafilter.com

IN the Oaxaca Valley of Mexico, the archaeologists Joyce Marcus and Kent Flannery have gained a remarkable insight into the origin of religion.

Universal Religion has been found in societies at every stage of development. Catholic Bishops as they filed into St. Patrick’s Cathedral in 2008, and at a temple in South Korea, Buddhist monks paid homage to the Buddha.

During 15 years of excavation they have uncovered not some monumental temple but evidence of a critical transition in religious behavior. The record begins with a simple dancing floor, the arena for the communal religious dances held by hunter-gatherers in about 7,000 B.C. It moves to the ancestor-cult shrines that appeared after the beginning of corn-based agriculture around 1,500 B.C., and ends in A.D. 30 with the sophisticated, astronomically oriented temples of an early archaic state.


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